Coming Soon…

Team Blogs!

Ok, so, I’m looking at setting up a number of team blogs, after having a play around with the trial one already created.
Currently, there isn’t a lot of interest in blogging. Why not?!?!

The idea of setting up these team blogs is to be able to record goings on in your department, team and own working life and put it out there to other people in and around the university so they can see what’s going on elsewhere.
What it would be is, ideally, the main blog (the Big Boss) would have team blogs stemming from him and from the team blogs, your own individual blog where you can record anything you want…does that make sense?!? Does it sound at all appealing?!

Personally, what I’ve found with blogging since I started working in ICT is that it pretty much is a place where you can talk about anything you like, where you can write about things going on with you, its fun, you don’t need a specific writing style, its personal…its you!
Its no form of contact or immediacy, they’re not supposed to be. They’re just so people can get an insight into what projects you’re working on for example.

It would be great to get all of the departments in the University involved. So people from god knows where in the Uni can read about what someone else god knows where is doing. I know it doesn’t appeal to a lot of people, but surely it appeals to some, right??

Please please please give me some hope!!!

Come on…


One thought on “Coming Soon…

  1. I think like Joss mentioned somewhere previously, using the plugin to pull specifically tagged posts together would be great – so if you tagged a post on your blog with ‘online services’ it would appear in the Online Services blog.

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